Hello fellow nature lovers and Skaneateles Conservation Area users, this blog is for us. Hear something? Write about it. See something? Let us know. Let's share our knowledge and experiences using the properties. On the east side of town the Skaneateles Conservation Areas include the Federal Farm, the Guppy Farm,and the O'Loughlin property which have been connected by a series of trails. On the southwest side of town, the Mabel Reynolds property stands undeveloped at the present but hopefully trails will be developed in the future.
I hope that all users of this blog will help record nature sightings as the years progress which can enhance all visits to these properties.
Guppy Falls
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Lots of water in the pond off of Gully Road as evidenced by the picture of the boardwalk. On the other end of the pond we saw what we thought is marks of beaver chewing on the wood. Could this be the reason for the higher water?
Friday, March 23, 2012
Forgot the camera last week when we went walking so I brought it this time. The spring beauties are blooming along with skunk cabbage and the spice bush. Things are growing at an amazing clip with all of the record warmth we have had this late winter and early spring.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
After all of the birds we saw this weekend, I expected to see more than a blue jay this afternoon. Settled for the tiny leaves of honeysuckle showing their St. Patrick's Day colors.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Beautiful day to be walking through the woods. Lots of wet places but late winter days don't get better than this.
Yesterday we saw a flock of about 6 blue birds on the west side of the Gully Road pond and lots of geese in the pond. Spring is in the air, although there was some snow on top of the mud on the ground.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Got to love March...is this what March madness is all about? Wind, snow, 50 degree days?